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Ready to try a local church community?

We have more than 100 partnering churches
across the nation and around the world
saving you a seat.

What To Look For...

We know finding a church can be a stressful (and sometimes awkward) process. Here are some questions to help you find a good fit.

  • Are you encouraged to grow in your own personal relationship with Jesus?
  • Is there an organized system in place that allows you to connect with a smaller group of people and grow with them spiritually?
  • Are you able to learn from the Bible in a practical way? Are the teachings from the Bible presented in a way that makes sense for use in daily life?
  • Do you feel welcome? This applies to every interaction, from how you are greeted to what you hear from the pastor.
  • Are you comfortable being yourself, just as you are?

Can't find a church in your area?

Andy is the lead pastor of North Point Community Church. Stream the service online every Sunday beginning at 9:00 a.m. EST.

Have questions? We'd love to help.